Created by-Reddy Reid
So, you're going camping and you are wondering where to start. Camping is a rather simple pleasure, but it's vital that you make yourself aware of some basic things when it comes to camping. This article will help educate you on some of the things you need to know for your trip.
A good multi-purpose tool needs to be part of your camping gear. There are two kinds to bring. First is the saw/hammer/axe 3-in-1 tool to use for firewood and other chores. The other is the standard multi-purpose tool with a variety of tools on it like a can opener, tweezers, scissors, and a knife.
Those big, colorful plastic storage bins make excellent places to store and organize all of your camping gear. While at home, keep it in a closet or the garage and right before you leave for your camping trip, pop it in the trunk. It should keep everything air-tight, dry and easily accessible.
Always take
Click That Link -aid kit when you venture out on a camping trip. You can put together your own kit with bandages, gauze pads, tweezers, scissors, anti bacteria cream and antiseptic wipes in a sturdy container. You can also buy one of the many excellent ready-made kits to save time.
While camping, cook easy dinners like "hobo stew". Simply bring potatoes, ground meat, and veggies. Cut the veggies and potatoes at your campsite. Using tinfoil like a bowl, put the ingredients inside and fold the foil over until the food is covered. Place foil on hot rocks or the coals of the campfire, and eventually you will have a tasty "stew".
When going camping, try to buy non-perishable items to eat. There are no refrigerators in the wild, so everything you bring has to be kept in good order. can certainly bring a cooler to put food in, but the cooler will be added bulk on your trip. Therefore, make an effort to bring more non-perishable foods than perishable.
If you have special drinks that you like, take them with you camping. It is easy to forget things like green tea, hot cocoa or your special blend of coffee. You can even take wine if it is a romantic camping adventure. Just don't forget to pack a corkscrew.
Save space in your bag by leaving mixing spoons and containers behind, and instead just bring plastic zip-lock bags. Place the foods or liquids that you want to mix in the bag, and ensure that the zipper is well closed before mixing. Not only do the bags take up considerably less space than bowls and spoons, but they're much more lightweight as well!
If you are camping in uncharted territory, make sure that you understand potential dangers lurking there. This involves finding out which spiders are dangerous, whether flash floods are commonplace and whether there are any sheer drops nearby. Every camping area has its dangers.
Bring some plastic totes or canisters with you when you go camping so you can store any food products you have opened. This will keep any critters from swarming around your campsite and it will also keep various wildlife from being attracted to whatever it is you have in there.
Prepare some of the food ahead of time so you will not have to mess around with it at the camp site. Make up some sandwiches, precook the pasta and take along foods that can be eaten as is to make each meal less tedious. Other meals can be enjoyable to prepare in the woods, but some should be ready to go on the days the weather is not perfect.
How To Pack Camping Gear For A Flight
Do not leave your sleeping bag rolled up until right before it is time for you to get some sleep. Lay it out right away so that it can loft up and give you the highest level of insulation. Do the same for any sleeping pads you have brought along.
Know the climate of your camping area. You will want to have the proper clothing packed for the trip. Knowing how cold the nights get or how hot the days are will help you dress best. You will not want to get caught in the great outdoors with inadequate protection.
How To Get Internet While Camping
When camping, many people wake up in the morning, only to find out they they have left items out that are now wet. This is because of the morning dew, which can hardly be avoided. If the weather conditions are right, dew is inevitable, so make sure you put things away.
Always pick an appropriate sleeping bag for the weather. If you are camping in a colder climate, purchase a heavyweight sleeping bag; people who camp in warm weather should use a lightweight sleeping bag. If you are staying in a tent, use a sleeping bag that fits to the contours of your body in order to maintain your body temperature.
How Much Is A Camping Trailer
Make sure that your tent is ready before dark if you don't plan to sleep under the stars. Some camping locations get very dark and this can make setting up your campsite nearly impossible. You also never know when something could go wrong during set-up, such as a broken pole or a sudden tear in your tent.
Many people associate camping with misery; bug bites, sunburns and poor food. While this can be a reality, it can also be avoided by preparing about one week ahead of time. Try to think of all the possible situations that could go wrong, and find a product to help you avoid that situation.
Don't forget the sunscreen. You might not burn easily, or ever, but sunscreen is still important to prevent sun damage, especially when you are spending most of the day outdoors. Sun damage can age you rapidly and even cause cancer, so it is very important to protect your skin.
As was shown in the above article, camping can indeed be great fun, but it does take some advanced planning to make sure it all goes well. Use the advice and tips shown here to make a checklist so your trip is one of relaxation and not one of "�I wish I would have planned this better beforehand'.